Opration Bluestar
I want to make it clear that, through this article I do not wish to support nor condemn Operation Bluestar. I just wish to report the reasons, operation itself and its aftermaths, trying not to take up sides with any particular party. Another thing I want to make clear is that the operation itself was not much different from any other regular army mission, it's the reasons and the aftermath which makes it much more significant, as much more disturbing. This incident has, indeed, hurt both the Indian army and the community of Sikhs throughout the period of time. In the decade of 1980’s Pakistan backed terrorism had acquired major proportions in Punjab . The demand for Khalistan, a separate nation for Sikhs, was increasing with every passing day, and so was the number of innocent common civilians killed in the terrorist activities. Sikh terrorists killed Hindu political leaders, common Hindus, Sikhs, migrant workers and all who dared oppose their deman...